Online Book tickets of Snow Park Abu Dhabi tickets or Timings, Address,

Online Book Snow Park Abu Dhabi tickets: Hello friends, if you are also from the Abu Dhabi area or nearby, then today’s article is for you. So if you also want to get complete information about Snow Park Abu Dhabi Reem Mall ticket price, rides, address, ticket booking process, opening hours and the service you get, then read today’s article till the end.

If you are also looking for a good and affordable snow park to spend summer holidays with your family or friends, then the snow park open in Reem Mall of your city Abu Dhabi can prove to be a better option for you. If you are thinking of spending your weekend in Snow Abu Dhabi Reem Mall with your family or friends, then you are thinking absolutely right.

This idea of ​​yours will make your weekend memorable and very good. At this Snow Abu Dhabi, you can enjoy more than 20 rides (Polar Express Train, Crystal Carousel, Flight of the Snowy Owl, Snow Hare’s Bunny Hill, Ice and Floe’s Bumper Tubes, Drift’s Downhill Run, Ice and Floe’s Toboggan Race, Graupel’s Summit Escape, Troll Bowl) as well as snowy entertainment including sledding, carousels, zorbing and zip-lining. The ticket prices of this snow park are very economical and nominal. Its snow rides and food attract children as well as adults.

Snow Abu Dhabi Ticket rate –

 Snow Park Abu Dhabi tickets

Hello friends, a new snow park has been opened in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, where you can make your summer holidays even better. It was inaugurated by Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan on 29 May 2024. You must visit here with your entire family and friends.

Short Detail of Reem Mall in Snow Abu Dhabi

Name of the mallReem Mall
Main Attraction of Mall Snow Abu Dhabi 
Location of the MallReem Mall, on Al Reem Island in Abu Dhabi
Open to the public8th June 2024
Area of Mall 2 million square-foot260,000 square metres 
Facilities Vox Cinemas, alongside around 400 international and local brands Store, 85 restaurants and cafés, first-ever indoor snow park “Snow Abu Dhabi” in the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Features of First Indoor Snow Park in Abu Dhabi

Majid Al Futtaim Entertainment opened the first indoor snow park “Snow Abu Dhabi” in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), on Thursday, May 29, 2024.

Located in the heart of Reem Mall, “Snow Abu Dhabi” is built on a vast area of ​​​​approximately 9,732 square meters. The destination features more than 20 fun rides and attractions such as the Crystal Carousel, Polar Express Train, Flight of the Snowy Owl, Snowflake Garden and Enchanted Tree. Visitors can enjoy snowy adventures such as sledding, carousels, zorbing and zip-lining all year round.

Snow Abu Dhabi Timings & Address

Timings Sun-Thur:10 am to 10 pm 
Fri-Sat: 10 am to Midnight 12 pm 
LocationReem Mall
AddressFCQ2+GHR – Al Reem St – Al Reem Island – Najmat Abu Dhabi – Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates

Snow Park Abu Dhabi tickets rate –

Snow Park Abu Dhabi tickets rate

There are prices for various categories in Snow Abu Dhabi, like general class on weekdays or weekends and kids class on weekdays or weekends. So the complete details of the tickets are given below.

Type of TicketsPrice Range
Adult Entry RateDhs215
Children Entry RateDhs165

Snow Park in Abu Dhabi Online Ticket Booking

To book Snow Park Abu Dhabi tickets online, you can book tickets by visiting the official website of Snow Abu Dhabi and entering your ticket plan and some general information. After the ticket is booked, a confection will come on your mobile.

In today’s article, we will give you all the information related to Snow Abu Dhabi Reem Mall, like ticket price or entry fee, timings, location, rides, and contact details. If you still want to know or ask something related to this park, you can directly call the park and ask. If you still don’t get the answer to your question, you can ask us by commenting. We will try our best to help you.

We hope From this article you will get all the information about the Snow Abu Dhabi Reem Mall Tickets ticket booking process, venue, opening time, and the service you get). Share this information with your friends and family.

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